Laravel 9 Installation |How to Install Laravel 9 on Windows | XAMPP Step by Step [Full Tutorial]
Author: Syed Arshad Sultan
Laravel 8 Installation – In this tutorial we will learn How to Install Laravel 8 on Windows XAMPP Server Step by Step , in last tutorial we discussed Laravel Introduction and Basic features.
Server Requirements:
PHP >= 7.2.0
OpenSSL PHP Extension:
PHP OpenSSL is provided as a DLL file called php_openssl.dll. If you want to write your own PHP program to communicate with an HTTPS Web server, you should install a PHP module to help you.
PDO PHP Extension:
PHP Data Objects ( PDO ) extension defines a lightweight, consistent interface for accessing databases in PHP.
Mbstring PHP Extension (multi-byte string functions):
Mbstring is an extension of phpused to manage non-ASCII strings. Mbstring is used to convert strings to different encodings. Tokenizer PHP Extension:
The tokenizer functions provide an interface to the PHP tokenizerembedded in the Zend Engine.
XML PHP Extension:
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a data format for structured document interchange on the Web.
Laravel 8 Installation:
For managing dependencies, Laravel uses composer. Make sure you have a composer installed on your system before you install Laravel.
Install Composer:
Step 1: Visit the following URL and download composer to install it on your system.
Step 2: After the Composer is installed, check the installation by typing the Composer command in the command prompt as shown in the following screenshot.

What is Composer?

Laravel 8 consists of many components that are put together automatically into the framework through composer. Using composer, you can easily specify which other PHP libraries are used in your code, initiate installation and update of those dependencies through the command line.
Laravel Installer:
Step 3: After composer installation open command prompt and First, download the Laravel installer using composer following this command:
composer global require “laravel/installer”
Check Laravel installer version run this command: laravel -v

Create Laravel Project:
Step 4: Open XAMPP/htdocs folder and open command prompt in htdocs folder and run following command for create first laravel 8 project.
laravel new blog

Local Development Server:
Step 5: After complete this laravel project creation process open Open XAMPP/htdocs/blog (laravel Project folder) run this command will start a development server at http://localhost:8000:
php artisan serve

What is Artisan?
Laravel comes with a command line interface called artisan. We can use artisan to execute repetitive tasks. For example we can launch development server, create models, and run database migrations. You can run artisan command through your system command line (TERMINAL on MAC, GIT BASH on windows).
Step 6: Congrats on your Laravel Installation & Create Laravel Project process complete, Open your browser and type “localhost:8000” in the address bar show then show this website.